Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Aren’t the lasers dangerous?
A: No, the lasers are at 1/10th the power of a laser pointer and is also modulated to decrease the power further. If it wasn’t for the fog in the arena you would not be able to see them at all

Q: Why are you using helmets?
A: 2 reasons. The first is safety, our arena allows for controlled running so the helmets prevent serious injuries in case of accidents. The second is that there are sensors in the helmets so that you can’t poke your head out and not be a target compared to systems that use vests.

Q: Isn’t the fog hard on your lungs? Why have it at all?
A: The fog used is water based, so it is no more hard on the lungs that natural fog. We use it so that the lasers can be seen and it also limits vision so that someone standing in a corner can’t see/tag everything in the arena.

Q: What is friendly fire?
A: friendly fire is when you shoot your own team members. In Photon, if you shoot someone on your own team you both get deactivated and both lose points. Make sure you know who you are aiming at!

Q: What else is different about Photon compared to other laser tag systems?
A: There are many differences that can affect game play. One is that when you get tagged, your phaser gets deactivated for 5 seconds but the other team can still tag you for points during this time. This prevents you from blocking for other team members since you are losing points the entire time. There is also a feature that only allows a player to tag another player only 3 times in a row before they have to find another target. This prevents a stronger player from following around a weaker player and scoring a lot of points on them. We also have bases, it takes 3 shots in a row without getting deactivated in order to score on them. The players are only allowed one base score per game to keep players from just sitting at the base trying to rack up a high score.